Pascal Besson Passionate Fisherman

Since forever I have dedicated a large part of my life to the practice of fishing predators on the most beautiful lakes and rivers of France.

Eager to share my passion for carnivorous fishing and having fallen under the spell of the Alqueva lake in Portugal, I decided to introduce you as a fishing guide to these magical landscapes and the pleasure of fishing for fish. carnivores in such a wild environment. ((sanders, brooches, black bass, barbeau comizo …)

To each fisherman a desire, different wishes, that is why, I adapt to each customer after an interview, a specific program tailored to your requirements.

I take care of all the organization for you as soon as you arrive at the airport … You can even come with your hands in your pockets, the equipment will wait for you on the boat.

Contact me today by filling out the form and I will contact you to define a personalized holiday program. See you soon for an unforgettable fishing trip on Lake Alqueva in Portugal!